superInvitesTests function
void superInvitesTests() {
acterTestWidget('Full user flow with registration', (t) async {
final spaceId = await t.freshAccountWithSpace(userDisplayName: 'Alice');
final token = await t.createSuperInvite([spaceId]);
// now let's try to create a new account with that token
await t.logout();
await t.freshAccount(registrationToken: token, displayName: 'Bob');
// redeeming with the registration token should automatically trigger the invite process
// check that we have been added.
await t.ensureIsMemberOfSpace(spaceId);
acterTestWidget('Full user flow redeeming after registration', (t) async {
final spaceId = await t.freshAccountWithSpace(userDisplayName: 'Alice');
final token = await t.createSuperInvite([spaceId]);
// now let's try to create a new account with that token
await t.logout();
await t.freshAccount(displayName: 'Bob');
await t.redeemSuperInvite(
dialogTest: () async {
final redeemInfo = find.byKey(redeemInfoKey);
await redeemInfo.should(findsOneWidget);
// info found
// redeeming with the registration token should automatically trigger the invite process
// check that we have been added.
await t.ensureIsMemberOfSpace(spaceId);
await t.ensureHasChats(counter: 0);
acterTestWidget('Full user flow with registration many spaces and chats',
(t) async {
final spaceId = await t.freshAccountWithSpace(userDisplayName: 'Alice');
final chats = await t.createSpaceChats(spaceId, ['Random', 'General']);
final spaceId2 = await t.createSpace('Second test space');
final spaceId3 = await t.createSpace('Arils cave');
final token = await t.createSuperInvite(
[spaceId, spaceId2, spaceId3],
chats: chats,
// now let's try to create a new account with that token
await t.logout();
await t.freshAccount(registrationToken: token, displayName: 'Bob');
// redeeming with the registration token should automatically trigger the invite process
// check that we have been added.
await t.ensureIsMemberOfSpaces([spaceId, spaceId2, spaceId3]);
await t.ensureHasChats(ids: chats);
acterTestWidget('Token with DM', (t) async {
final spaceId = await t.freshAccountWithSpace(userDisplayName: 'Alice');
final token = await t.createSuperInvite(
onCreateForm: (t) async {
// activate create-dm
final spacesKey = find.byKey(CreateSuperInviteTokenPage.createDmKey);
await spacesKey.should(findsOneWidget);
await spacesKey.tap();
// now let's try to create a new account with that token
await t.logout();
await t.freshAccount(registrationToken: token, displayName: 'Bob');
// redeeming with the registration token should automatically trigger the invite process
// check that we have been added.
await t.ensureIsMemberOfSpace(spaceId);
await t.ensureHasChats(counter: 1);
acterTestWidget('Edit and redeem', (t) async {
final spaceId = await t.freshAccountWithSpace(userDisplayName: 'Alice');
final spaceId2 = await t.createSpace('Second test space');
final token = await t.createSuperInvite([spaceId]);
final tokenKey = find.byKey(Key('edit-token-$token'));
await tokenKey.should(findsOneWidget);
await tokenKey.tap();
// remove the current space
final removeSpace1 = find.byKey(Key('room-to-invite-$spaceId-remove'));
await removeSpace1.should(findsOneWidget);
await removeSpace1.tap();
// add the new space
final addSpaceBtn = find.byKey(CreateSuperInviteTokenPage.addSpaceKey);
await addSpaceBtn.should(findsOneWidget);
await addSpaceBtn.tap();
final select = find.byKey(Key('select-space-$spaceId2'));
await t.tester.ensureVisible(select);
await select.tap();
// submit with the new list
final submitBtn = find.byKey(CreateSuperInviteTokenPage.submitBtn);
await t.tester.ensureVisible(submitBtn);
await submitBtn.should(findsOneWidget);
await submitBtn.tap();
// now let's try to create a new account with that token
await t.logout();
await t.freshAccount(registrationToken: token, displayName: 'Bob');
// redeeming with the registration token should automatically trigger the invite process
// check that we have been added.
await t.ensureIsMemberOfSpace(spaceId2);
acterTestWidget("Deleted can't be reused", (t) async {
await t.freshAccount(displayName: 'Alice');
final token = await t.createSuperInvite([]);
final tokenKey = find.byKey(Key('edit-token-$token'));
await tokenKey.should(findsOneWidget);
await tokenKey.tap();
final deleteToken = find.byKey(CreateSuperInviteTokenPage.deleteBtn);
await deleteToken.should(findsOneWidget);
await deleteToken.tap();
// confirm...
final deleteConfirm = find.byKey(CreateSuperInviteTokenPage.deleteConfirm);
await deleteConfirm.should(findsOneWidget);
await deleteConfirm.tap();
final editTokenKey = find.byKey(Key('edit-token-$token'));
await editTokenKey.should(findsNothing);
// let's try to create the same token again
final createBtn = find.byKey(SuperInvitesPage.createNewToken);
await createBtn.should(findsOneWidget);
await createBtn.tap();
final tokenTxt = find.byKey(CreateSuperInviteTokenPage.tokenFieldKey);
await tokenTxt.should(findsOneWidget);
await tokenTxt.enterTextWithoutReplace(token);
final submitBtn = find.byKey(CreateSuperInviteTokenPage.submitBtn);
await t.tester.ensureVisible(submitBtn);
await submitBtn.should(findsOneWidget);
await submitBtn.tap();
// we are staying on the create screen.
final tokenTxtField = find.byKey(CreateSuperInviteTokenPage.tokenFieldKey);
await tokenTxtField.should(findsOneWidget);
// not added
await editTokenKey.should(findsNothing);