show static method

Future show({
  1. required dynamic context,
  2. required Object error,
  3. StackTrace? stack,
  4. String? title,
  5. String? text,
  6. dynamic onRetryTap,
  7. String textBuilder(
    1. Object error
  8. bool includeBugReportButton = true,
  9. double borderRadius = 15.0,


static Future show({
  /// BuildContext
  required BuildContext context,
  required Object error,
  StackTrace? stack,

  /// Title of the dialog
  String? title,

  /// Text of the dialog
  String? text,
  VoidCallback? onRetryTap,
  String Function(Object error)? textBuilder,
  bool includeBugReportButton = true,

  /// Dialog Border Radius
  double borderRadius = 15.0,
}) {
  return showGeneralDialog(
    context: context,
    pageBuilder: (context, anim1, __) => ActerErrorDialog(
      error: error,
      stack: stack,
      title: title,
      text: text,
      textBuilder: textBuilder,
      onRetryTap: onRetryTap,
      borderRadius: borderRadius,
      includeBugReportButton: includeBugReportButton,