Convo class


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


activeMembers() Future<FfiListMember>
the members currently in the room
activeMembersIds() Future<FfiListFfiString>
the members currently in the convo
clearMsgDraft() Future<bool>
clear composed message state of the room
dmUsers() FfiListFfiString
the list of users ids if this is a direct message
downloadMedia(String eventId, ThumbnailSize? thumbSize, String dirPath) Future<OptionString>
download media (image/audio/video/file/location) to specified path if thumb size is given, media thumbnail is returned if thumb size is not given, media file is returned
drop() → void
Manually drops the object and unregisters the FinalizableHandle.
getInvitees() Future<FfiListMember>
get the users that were invited to this room
getMember(String userId) Future<Member>
get the room member by user id
getMyMembership() Future<Member>
the Membership of myself
getRoomId() RoomId
the room id
getRoomIdStr() String
the room id as str
invitedMembers() Future<FfiListMember>
the members invited to this room
inviteUser(String userId) Future<bool>
invite the new user to this room
isBookmarked() bool
is this a bookmarked chat
isDm() bool
is this a direct message
isEncrypted() Future<bool>
whether this room is encrypted one
isJoined() bool
isLowPriority() bool
is this a low priority chat
join() Future<bool>
join this room
latestMessage() RoomMessage?
The last message sent to the room
latestMessageTs() int
Latest message timestamp or 0
leave() Future<bool>
leave this room
mediaBinary(String eventId, ThumbnailSize? thumbSize) Future<FfiBufferUint8>
decrypted media file data if thumb size is given, media thumbnail is returned if thumb size is not given, media file is returned The reason that this function belongs to room object is because ChatScreen keeps it as member variable If this function belongs to message object, we may have to load too many message objects in ChatScreen
mediaPath(String eventId, bool isThumb) Future<OptionString>
get the path that media (image/audio/video/file) was saved return None when never downloaded
msgDraft() Future<OptionComposeDraft>
compose message state of the room
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
numUnreadMentions() int
how many unread mentions for this chat
numUnreadMessages() int
how many unread messages for this chat
numUnreadNotificationCount() int
how many unread notifications for this chat
generate the room permalink
redactContent(String eventId, String? reason) Future<EventId>
redact an event from this room reason - The reason for the event being reported (optional). it’s the callers job to ensure the person has the privileges to redact that content.
redactMessage(String eventId, String senderId, String? reason, String? txnId) Future<EventId>
redact any message (including text/image/file and reaction) sender_id refers to the user that sent original msg
removeAvatar() Future<EventId>
Remove the avatar of the room
reportContent(String eventId, int? score, String? reason) Future<bool>
report an event from this room score - The score to rate this content as where -100 is most offensive and 0 is inoffensive (optional). reason - The reason for the event being reported (optional).
roomType() String
get the user status on this room
saveMsgDraft(String text, String? html, String draftType, String? eventId) Future<bool>
save composed message state of the room
setBookmarked(bool isBookmarked) Future<bool>
set this a bookmarked chat
setName(String name) Future<EventId>
set the name of the chat
setTopic(String topic) Future<EventId>
set description / topic of the room
spaceRelations() Future<SpaceRelations>
get the room profile that contains avatar and display name
timelineStream() TimelineStream
Get the timeline for the room
topic() String?
what is the description / topic
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
typingNotice(bool typing) Future<bool>
Activate typing notice for this room The typing notice remains active for 4s. It can be deactivate at any point by setting typing to false. If this method is called while the typing notice is active nothing will happen. This method can be called on every key stroke, since it will do nothing while typing is active.
updatePowerLevel(String userId, int level) Future<EventId>
update the power levels of specified member
uploadAvatar(String uri) Future<MxcUri>
Change the avatar of the room
userReceipts() Future<FfiListReceiptRecord>
initially called to get receipt status of room members


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.