Space class


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


activeMembers() Future<FfiListMember>
the members currently in the space
activeMembersIds() Future<FfiListFfiString>
the members currently in the space
addChildRoom(String roomId, bool suggested) Future<String>
add the following as a child space and return event id of that event flag as suggested or not
appSettings() Future<ActerAppSettings>
current App Settings
calendarEventDraft() CalendarEventDraft
create calendar event draft
calendarEvents() Future<FfiListCalendarEvent>
get all calendar events
categories(String key) Future<Categories>
Get the categories for a specific key. currently supported: spaces, chats
drop() → void
Manually drops the object and unregisters the FinalizableHandle.
getMember(String userId) Future<Member>
the members currently in the room
getMyMembership() Future<Member>
the Membership of myself
getRoomId() RoomId
the room id
getRoomIdStr() String
the room id as str
invitedMembers() Future<FfiListMember>
the members invited to this room
inviteUser(String userId) Future<bool>
invite the new user to this space
isActerSpace() Future<bool>
whether or not this space has been marked as an 'acter' one
isBookmarked() bool
is this a bookmarked space
isChildSpaceOf(String roomId) Future<bool>
Whether this space is a child of the given space
isEncrypted() Future<bool>
whether this room is encrypted one
isJoined() bool
isPublic() bool
whether or not this space is public
join() Future<bool>
join this room
joinRuleStr() String
join rules for this space.
latestNewsEntries(int count) Future<FfiListNewsEntry>
get latest news
latestStories(int count) Future<FfiListStory>
get latest stories
leave() Future<bool>
leave this room
newsDraft() NewsEntryDraft
create news draft
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
pinDraft() PinDraft
pin draft builder
pins() Future<FfiListActerPin>
the pins of this Space
powerLevels() Future<RoomPowerLevels>
the power levels currently set up
redactContent(String eventId, String? reason) Future<EventId>
redact an event from this room reason - The reason for the event being reported (optional). it’s the callers job to ensure the person has the privileges to redact that content.
removeAvatar() Future<EventId>
Remove the avatar of the room
removeChildRoom(String roomId, String? reason) Future<bool>
remove a child space
reportContent(String eventId, int? score, String? reason) Future<bool>
report an event from this room score - The score to rate this content as where -100 is most offensive and 0 is inoffensive (optional). reason - The reason for the event being reported (optional).
restrictedRoomIdsStr() FfiListFfiString
the ids of the rooms the restriction applies to
setActerSpaceStates() Future<bool>
setBookmarked(bool isBookmarked) Future<bool>
set this a bookmarked space
setCategories(String key, CategoriesBuilder categories) Future<bool>
Set the categories for a specific key
setName(String name) Future<EventId>
set name of the room
setTopic(String topic) Future<EventId>
set description / topic of the room
spaceRelations() Future<SpaceRelations>
get the room profile that contains avatar and display name
storyDraft() StoryDraft
create story draft
taskListDraft() TaskListDraft
task list draft builder
taskLists() Future<FfiListTaskList>
the Tasks lists of this Space
topic() String?
what is the description / topic
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
updateAppSettings(ActerAppSettingsBuilder newSettings) Future<String>
Whenever this is submitted;
updateFeaturePowerLevels(String feature, int? level) Future<bool>
update the power level for a feature
updateRegularPowerLevels(String feature, int level) Future<bool>
update the power level for a regular room feature
uploadAvatar(String uri) Future<MxcUri>
Change the avatar of the room


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.