markAsRead method

Future<bool> markAsRead(
  1. bool userTriggered

Mark this room as read. user_triggered indicate whether that was issued by the user actively (e.g. by pushing a button) or implicitly upon smart read tracking Returns a boolean indicating if we sent the request or not.


Future<bool> markAsRead(
  bool userTriggered,
) {
  final tmp1 = userTriggered;
  var tmp0 = 0;
  var tmp2 = 0;
  tmp0 = _box.borrow();
  tmp2 = tmp1 ? 1 : 0;
  final tmp3 = _api._timelineStreamMarkAsRead(
  final tmp5 = tmp3;
  final ffi.Pointer<ffi.Void> tmp5_0 = ffi.Pointer.fromAddress(tmp5);
  final tmp5_1 =
      _Box(_api, tmp5_0, "__TimelineStream_mark_as_read_future_drop");
  tmp5_1._finalizer = _api._registerFinalizer(tmp5_1);
  final tmp4 =
      _nativeFuture(tmp5_1, _api.__timelineStreamMarkAsReadFuturePoll);
  return tmp4;