remapToImage function

Future remapToImage(
  1. Future fut, {
  2. int? cacheSize,
  3. int? cacheWidth,
  4. int? cacheHeight,

Convert an future of a FfiBufferUint8 (which you commonly get for images) to a flutter ImageProvider.

cacheHeight and cacheWidth are passed to ResizeImage if given, allowing you to control the memory used up. With the handy cacheSize you can overwrite both values at once - this takes precedence.


Future<ImageProvider<Object>?> remapToImage(
  Future<ffi.FfiBufferUint8?> fut, {
  int? cacheSize,
  int? cacheWidth,
  int? cacheHeight,
}) async {
  if (cacheSize != null) {
    cacheHeight = cacheSize;
    cacheWidth = cacheSize;
  try {
    final buffered = (await fut)!.asTypedList();
    final image = MemoryImage(buffered);
    if (cacheHeight != null || cacheWidth != null) {
      return ResizeImage(image, width: cacheWidth, height: cacheHeight);
    return image;
  } catch (e, st) {
    _log.severe('Error fetching avatar', e, st);
    return null;