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use ruma_macros::IdZst;
use super::{
Base64PublicKey, DeviceId, IdParseError, KeyName, OwnedBase64PublicKey, OwnedDeviceId,
/// A Matrix ID that can be either a [`DeviceId`] or a [`Base64PublicKey`].
/// Device identifiers in Matrix are completely opaque character sequences and cross-signing keys
/// are identified by their base64-encoded public key. This type is provided simply for its semantic
/// value.
/// It is not recommended to construct this type directly, it should instead be converted from a
/// [`DeviceId`] or a [`Base64PublicKey`].
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use ruma_common::{Base64PublicKeyOrDeviceId, OwnedBase64PublicKeyOrDeviceId};
/// let ref_id: &Base64PublicKeyOrDeviceId = "abcdefghi".into();
/// assert_eq!(ref_id.as_str(), "abcdefghi");
/// let owned_id: OwnedBase64PublicKeyOrDeviceId = "ijklmnop".into();
/// assert_eq!(owned_id.as_str(), "ijklmnop");
/// ```
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, IdZst)]
pub struct Base64PublicKeyOrDeviceId(str);
impl KeyName for Base64PublicKeyOrDeviceId {
fn validate(_s: &str) -> Result<(), IdParseError> {
impl KeyName for OwnedBase64PublicKeyOrDeviceId {
fn validate(_s: &str) -> Result<(), IdParseError> {
impl<'a> From<&'a DeviceId> for &'a Base64PublicKeyOrDeviceId {
fn from(value: &'a DeviceId) -> Self {
impl From<OwnedDeviceId> for OwnedBase64PublicKeyOrDeviceId {
fn from(value: OwnedDeviceId) -> Self {
impl<'a> From<&'a Base64PublicKey> for &'a Base64PublicKeyOrDeviceId {
fn from(value: &'a Base64PublicKey) -> Self {
impl From<OwnedBase64PublicKey> for OwnedBase64PublicKeyOrDeviceId {
fn from(value: OwnedBase64PublicKey) -> Self {