use std::{
ops::{Bound, RangeBounds, RangeFrom, RangeTo, RangeToInclusive},
use js_int::UInt;
use serde::{Deserialize, Deserializer, Serialize, Serializer};
/// One of `==`, `<`, `>`, `>=` or `<=`.
/// Used by `RoomMemberCountIs`. Defaults to `==`.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Default, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum ComparisonOperator {
/// Equals
/// Less than
/// Greater than
/// Greater or equal
/// Less or equal
/// A decimal integer optionally prefixed by one of `==`, `<`, `>`, `>=` or `<=`.
/// A prefix of `<` matches rooms where the member count is strictly less than the given
/// number and so forth. If no prefix is present, this parameter defaults to `==`.
/// Can be constructed from a number or a range:
/// ```
/// use js_int::uint;
/// use ruma_common::push::RoomMemberCountIs;
/// // equivalent to `is: "3"` or `is: "==3"`
/// let exact = RoomMemberCountIs::from(uint!(3));
/// // equivalent to `is: ">=3"`
/// let greater_or_equal = RoomMemberCountIs::from(uint!(3)..);
/// // equivalent to `is: "<3"`
/// let less = RoomMemberCountIs::from(..uint!(3));
/// // equivalent to `is: "<=3"`
/// let less_or_equal = RoomMemberCountIs::from(..=uint!(3));
/// // An exclusive range can be constructed with `RoomMemberCountIs::gt`:
/// // (equivalent to `is: ">3"`)
/// let greater = RoomMemberCountIs::gt(uint!(3));
/// ```
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct RoomMemberCountIs {
/// One of `==`, `<`, `>`, `>=`, `<=`, or no prefix.
pub prefix: ComparisonOperator,
/// The number of people in the room.
pub count: UInt,
impl RoomMemberCountIs {
/// Creates an instance of `RoomMemberCount` equivalent to `<X`,
/// where X is the specified member count.
pub fn gt(count: UInt) -> Self {
RoomMemberCountIs { prefix: ComparisonOperator::Gt, count }
impl From<UInt> for RoomMemberCountIs {
fn from(x: UInt) -> Self {
RoomMemberCountIs { prefix: ComparisonOperator::Eq, count: x }
impl From<RangeFrom<UInt>> for RoomMemberCountIs {
fn from(x: RangeFrom<UInt>) -> Self {
RoomMemberCountIs { prefix: ComparisonOperator::Ge, count: x.start }
impl From<RangeTo<UInt>> for RoomMemberCountIs {
fn from(x: RangeTo<UInt>) -> Self {
RoomMemberCountIs { prefix: ComparisonOperator::Lt, count: x.end }
impl From<RangeToInclusive<UInt>> for RoomMemberCountIs {
fn from(x: RangeToInclusive<UInt>) -> Self {
RoomMemberCountIs { prefix: ComparisonOperator::Le, count: x.end }
impl fmt::Display for RoomMemberCountIs {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
use ComparisonOperator as Op;
let prefix = match self.prefix {
Op::Eq => "",
Op::Lt => "<",
Op::Gt => ">",
Op::Ge => ">=",
Op::Le => "<=",
write!(f, "{prefix}{}", self.count)
impl Serialize for RoomMemberCountIs {
fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
S: Serializer,
let s = self.to_string();
impl FromStr for RoomMemberCountIs {
type Err = js_int::ParseIntError;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
use ComparisonOperator as Op;
let (prefix, count_str) = match s {
s if s.starts_with("<=") => (Op::Le, &s[2..]),
s if s.starts_with('<') => (Op::Lt, &s[1..]),
s if s.starts_with(">=") => (Op::Ge, &s[2..]),
s if s.starts_with('>') => (Op::Gt, &s[1..]),
s if s.starts_with("==") => (Op::Eq, &s[2..]),
s => (Op::Eq, s),
Ok(RoomMemberCountIs { prefix, count: UInt::from_str(count_str)? })
impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for RoomMemberCountIs {
fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error>
D: Deserializer<'de>,
let s = crate::serde::deserialize_cow_str(deserializer)?;
impl RangeBounds<UInt> for RoomMemberCountIs {
fn start_bound(&self) -> Bound<&UInt> {
use ComparisonOperator as Op;
match self.prefix {
Op::Eq => Bound::Included(&self.count),
Op::Lt | Op::Le => Bound::Unbounded,
Op::Gt => Bound::Excluded(&self.count),
Op::Ge => Bound::Included(&self.count),
fn end_bound(&self) -> Bound<&UInt> {
use ComparisonOperator as Op;
match self.prefix {
Op::Eq => Bound::Included(&self.count),
Op::Gt | Op::Ge => Bound::Unbounded,
Op::Lt => Bound::Excluded(&self.count),
Op::Le => Bound::Included(&self.count),
mod tests {
use std::ops::RangeBounds;
use js_int::uint;
use super::RoomMemberCountIs;
fn eq_range_contains_its_own_count() {
let count = uint!(2);
let range = RoomMemberCountIs::from(count);
fn ge_range_contains_large_number() {
let range = RoomMemberCountIs::from(uint!(2)..);
let large_number = uint!(9001);
fn gt_range_does_not_contain_initial_point() {
let range = RoomMemberCountIs::gt(uint!(2));
let initial_point = uint!(2);