
Module channels

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How to read arbitrary channels and rgb channels.


  • A temporary writer for an arbitrary list of channels
  • Write the pixels of a single channel, unconditionally. Generic over the concrete sample type (f16, f32, u32).
  • A temporary writer for a layer of channels, alpha being optional


  • A temporary writer for a list of channels
  • Define how to get a pixel from your custom pixel storage. Can be a closure of type [Sync + Fn(Vec2<usize>) -> YourPixel].
  • Write pixels to a slice of bytes. The top level writer contains all the other channels, the most inner channel is NoneMore.
  • Enables an image containing this list of channels to be written to a file.
  • A tuple containing either ChannelsDescription or Option<ChannelsDescription> entries. Use an Option if you want to dynamically omit a single channel (probably only for roundtrip tests). The number of entries must match the number of channels.