
Module colorops

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Functions for altering and converting the color of pixelbufs




  • Brighten the supplied image. value is the amount to brighten each pixel by. Negative values decrease the brightness and positive values increase it.
  • Brighten the supplied image in place. value is the amount to brighten each pixel by. Negative values decrease the brightness and positive values increase it.
  • Adjust the contrast of the supplied image. contrast is the amount to adjust the contrast by. Negative values decrease the contrast and positive values increase the contrast.
  • Adjust the contrast of the supplied image in place. contrast is the amount to adjust the contrast by. Negative values decrease the contrast and positive values increase the contrast.
  • Reduces the colors of the image using the supplied color_map while applying Floyd-Steinberg dithering to improve the visual conception
  • Convert the supplied image to grayscale. Alpha channel is discarded.
  • Convert the supplied image to grayscale. Alpha channel is preserved.
  • Convert the supplied image to a grayscale image with the specified pixel type. Alpha channel is discarded.
  • Convert the supplied image to a grayscale image with the specified pixel type. Alpha channel is preserved.
  • Hue rotate the supplied image. value is the degrees to rotate each pixel by. 0 and 360 do nothing, the rest rotates by the given degree value. just like the css webkit filter hue-rotate(180)
  • Hue rotate the supplied image in place. value is the degrees to rotate each pixel by. 0 and 360 do nothing, the rest rotates by the given degree value. just like the css webkit filter hue-rotate(180)
  • Reduces the colors using the supplied color_map and returns an image of the indices
  • Invert each pixel within the supplied image. This function operates in place.