Macro konst::iter::collect_const

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macro_rules! collect_const {
        $Item:ty =>
    ) => { ... };
Expand description

Collects an iterator constant into an array

§Iterator methods

This macro supports emulating iterator methods by expanding to equivalent code.

The supported iterator methods are documented in the iterator_dsl module, because they are also supported by other konst::iter macros.


The syntax of this macro is:

    $Item:ty => $into_iterator:expr
        $(, $iterator_method:ident ($($method_args:tt)*) )*

Where $Item is the type of the elements that’ll be collected into an array.

Where $into_iterator is any type that can be converted into a const iterator, with konst::iter::into_iter.

Where $iterator_method is any of the supported methods described in the iterator_dsl module.


§Iterating over a range

use konst::iter;

const ARR: [u64; 8] = iter::collect_const!(u64 =>
        filter(|n| *n % 2 == 0),

assert_eq!(ARR, [20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34]);

§Iterating over an array

use konst::iter;

const ARR: [u8; 6] = iter::collect_const!(u8 =>
    // the `&` is required here,
    // because by-value iteration over arrays is not supported.
    &[10, 20, 30],
        flat_map(|&n| {
            // To allow returning references to arrays, the macro extends 
            // the lifetime of borrows to temporaries in return position.
            // The lifetime of the array is extended to the entire iterator chain.
            &[n - 1, n + 1]

assert_eq!(ARR, [9, 11, 19, 21, 29, 31]);