Macro konst::result::or_else

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macro_rules! or_else {
    ($res:expr, |$param:pat_param| $expr:expr $(,)?) => { ... };
    ($opt:expr, | $($anything:tt)* ) => { ... };
    ($res:expr, $function:expr $(,)?) => { ... };
Expand description

A const equivalent of Result::or_else


use konst::result;

// Necessary for type inference reasons.
type Res = Result<u32, u32>;

const ARR: &[Res] = &[
    // You can use a closure-like syntax to run code when the Result argument is Err.
    // `return` inside the "closure" returns from the function where this macro is called.
    result::or_else!(Res::Ok(1), |_| loop{}),
    result::or_else!(Res::Err(20), |x| Ok(x + 5)),
    result::or_else!(Res::Err(20), |x| Err(x + 7)),

    // You can also pass functions
    result::or_else!(Res::Ok(40), add_2),
    result::or_else!(Res::Err(60), add_2),
    result::or_else!(Res::Err(60), add_5),

assert_eq!(ARR, &[Ok(1), Ok(25), Err(27), Ok(40), Ok(62), Err(65)]);

const fn add_2(n: u32) -> Res {
    Ok(n + 2)
const fn add_5(n: u32) -> Res {
    Err(n + 5)