Nightly 2023-10-27


  • Chat Feature:

    • Chat Creation flow is now more simplified and accessible, allows you to create DM/Group DM's by selecting user(s) from the new intuitive interface and discard previous side sheet in favor of it.
    • The create chat interface is now more adaptive, meaning it'll adapt to the screen sizes and show bottom sheet (mobile) and dialog (larger screens), when you tap on plus icon in Chat.
  • DM's now show the avatar of the user you are talking to, if no avatar was set.

  • In Group DMs the Avatar is showing several users you are in the DM with. [Fix] [Android] Member list dialog not closing on physical back button press [Fix] [General] Chat Message : Tap on the link to open an url [Fix] [iOS] Chat Screen : Support swipe down to hide the keyboard [Fix] [Desktop] Disable sending empty messages



Windows (x64) MacOS (intel & silicon) Linux (x64)

On mobile:

Android (arm64) iPhone / iOS*
* for ad-hoc registered devices only