Setting up


You'll need a recent:

  • Rustup setup for Rust
  • Android NDK / XCode setup for the target - and device or simulator set up
  • flutter
  • on Linux you additionally need: libsecret-1-0 ( & libsecret-1-dev), mpv (& libmpv-dev) and libjsoncpp-dev
    on Ubuntu with apt sudo apt install ninja-build libgtk-3-dev libmpv-dev mpv libjsoncpp-dev libsecret-1-dev`
    on Arch with pamac pamac install mpv libsecret libjson


You need cargo make for managing and building the native core artifacts. Install via cargo install cargo-make

Then you run the init once in the root of the repository:

cargo make setup

You also need to build the core SDK once first:

Building for SDK

Whenever the native SDK changed, you need to (re)build the artifacts. To do that you can use the one of following commands

cargo make android

cargo make ios

cargo make desktop

.Note: currently only android is fully supported. Plumbing for iOS is existing but not tested, Web, Linux, Mac, Windows and are platforms have not been configured yet.

Running the App

Once the SDK is rebuilt, you can run the flutter as usual on your device or emulator per:

F5 in VS Code or flutter run in app directory

If you want to run flutter as desktop in windows:

flutter run -d windows

Speed up Building

It takes a long time to execute full build. You can rebuild only changes of source files to save your building time meaningfully.

cargo make android-dev It can reduce the size in architecture. This will build only x86_64 of rust library. (build only rust) 682.6s -> 120.31s

cargo make --profile release android-dev It can reduce the size by release mode. It can reduce the size to about a half, because size in release mode is smaller than one in debug mode.

flutter run --no-build (only flutter changed) 85.0s -> 42.6s

Running Tests

We have a test suite to run unit tests and integration tests. This is run via the CI to ensure consistency and every features is expected to add further tests to the suite. You can run the tests via: