

  • Calendar Events have returned now. You can now see upcoming and past events in the event section.

  • Dashboard Events:

    • You can see upcoming events which have been responded by you in (Yes/Maybe). In calendar, you can do interactions and see events you responded for a specific day by selecting that date.
    • Further you can even select range of dates by long press gesture and see all the responded events falling into it.
  • [fix] Events are now correctly showing dates according to locality.

  • [fix] Events RSVP status is now shown below and can be updated.

  • fixes the swipe reply bug on chat messages where right swipe wasn't working before.

  • DM's now show the avatar of the user you are talking to, if no avatar was set.

  • In Group DMs the Avatar is showing several users you are in the DM with.

  • Calendar Events

    • fix bug where end date shows same as start date when event is created.
    • Remove pending status button from event rsvp selection. Events would still show their status as pending if not selected (Yes/Maybe/No).
    • Merge the start/end time and date textfields from create/edit event sheets. Now the date and time textfields will show ranged date and time after selection.
    • Remove unused link input textfields from create/edit event sheets.
  • [fix] Overflow error of feature sections in quick jump on small screens

  • [UX] hide the bottom navigation when the on-screen keyboard is visible (to regain some space)

  • [UX] dismiss the on-screen keyboard by tapping anywhere non-interactive

  • [Labs] New Push Notifications Feature for mobile Devices on iOS and Android, you can now opt into receiving push notifications for new chat messages. You can activate it at Settings -> Labs -> Push Notifications. Don't forget to restart after activating it.

  • Encrypted at rest: All Registrations / logins happening from this point forward will automatically encrypt the database and store the session data in the secure enclave of your device ("Keychain" or "Secure Store"). Rendering it impossible for you or others to read any of the data without access to the secured enclave.

  • [Enhance] Desktop: Shift+enter will allow jump to new line

  • [Enhance] Desktop: Chat options are now accessible from the right click

  • [Fix] Auto focus on chat input while swipe to reply

  • [Fix] Hide Emoji/Chat options having long pressed and successfully made a reaction