

Changes since v1.24.118

  • [fix] Editing chat message with user mention doesn't expose HTML anymore

  • [chat] Invites are now enabled for chat. After room creation, you can invite other users by going to room profile and adding them. (if have permissions).

  • [fix] Earlier some messages with mentions were getting overflow in some scenarios. This should not be happening now.

  • [fix] Chat pagination. Messages timeline should now correctly identify the end of history.

  • [enhance] Server messages, redacted and encrypted events are now distinct.

  • [fix] remove unimplemented features.

  • [enhance] chat room member events will present more info.

  • [Fix] #1304 where faulty a new session would be started every time the app was started.

  • [labs] Tasks and TasksList have seen a complete revamp: if you enable them in your app (and then for the corresponding space) you will find you can create TaskLists, view them in each Space, add Tasks inline and upon clicking on them you can assign due date and volunteer to take responsibility for it. If you do, these (not done) tasks show up in your dashboard as well.

  • You now have the ability to block users and content. You can report any content, or chat message and block individual users. From the settings screen you can manage, remove and add users to block.

  • Improvements in the Settings screen allow for a more intuitive and cleaner flow

  • Reworked the Sessions screen to give clearer instructions and explain what you see on it.

  • [enhance] Copy room link instead of roomId

  • [fix] Click on room link will perform appropriate action

  • screens without data to show now display helpful information .