

Changes since release-latest

  • [New] : User can edit the text message even after it was sent

  • [new] : User can now set background color for different news update slides

  • Pins:

    • Pins can now be searched via quick jump screen.
    • On mobile platforms, opening search field causes quick-add buttons to be not visible. This has been fixed and now will able to be scrolled.
  • [new-general] : User experience enhancement on News Update

  • [new-general] : Now user can post news with multiple slides

  • [new-desktop] : Desktop have now support of adding news update [fix] unnecesary spacing on cards in the spaces, related spaces, members and events sections have been fixed.

  • [new] : Video post is now supported on the news update

  • Pins:

    • A new rich text editor (Appflowy plugin) has been integrated in Acter Labs. By default, its disabled as experimental and can be enabled.
    • Pins content can now be edited with allowing edit mode in existing page rather than opening side-sheet, with the user having choice of editing content with their editor selected.
  • New Media Cache: the data is now cached separately from the state media encrypted on the file system. This allows to clear the cache of any media (e.g. Avatars or Files downloaded) without having to touch the state store.