Client class

Main entry point for acter.


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


account() Account
return the account of the logged in user, if given
addEmailPusher(String deviceName, String appName, String email, String? lang) Future<bool>
add another http pusher to the notification system
addPusher(String appId, String token, String deviceName, String appName, String serverUrl, bool withIosDefault, String? lang) Future<bool>
add another http pusher to the notification system
allUpcomingEvents(int? secsFromNow) Future<FfiListCalendarEvent>
get all upcoming events, whether I responded or not
audioDraft(String source, String mimetype) MsgDraft
make draft to send audio msg
backupManager() BackupManager
get access to the backup manager
calendarEvent(String calendarId) Future<CalendarEvent>
Get a specific Calendar Event for the client
calendarEvents() Future<FfiListCalendarEvent>
get all calendar events
convo(String roomIdOrAlias) Future<Convo>
get convo room
convosStream() Stream<ConvoDiff>
Fires whenever the convo list changes (in order or number) fires immediately with the current state of convos
convoWithRetry(String roomIdOrAlias, int retry) Future<Convo>
get convo room of retry 250ms for retry times
createActerSpace(CreateSpaceSettings settings) Future<RoomId>
create default space
createConvo(CreateConvoSettings settings) Future<RoomId>
create convo
deviceEventRx() Stream<DeviceEvent>
Return the event handler that new device was found or existing device was changed
deviceId() DeviceId
The device_id of the client
deviceRecords(bool verified) Future<FfiListDeviceRecord>
the list of devices
dmWithUser(String userId) OptionString
get the room id of dm from user id
drop() → void
Manually drops the object and unregisters the FinalizableHandle.
fileDraft(String source, String mimetype) MsgDraft
make draft to send file msg
getNotificationItem(String roomId, String eventId) Future<NotificationItem>
getting a notification item from the notification data;
hasConvo(String roomId) Future<bool>
has convo room
hasFirstSynced() bool
Whether the client has finished a first sync run
imageDraft(String source, String mimetype) MsgDraft
make draft to send image msg
installDefaultActerPushRules() Future<bool>
install the default acter push rules for fallback
installRequestEventHandler(String flowId) Future<bool>
install verification request event handler
installSasEventHandler(String flowId) Future<bool>
install sas verification event handler
invitationsRx() Stream<FfiListInvitation>
Get the invitation event stream
isGuest() bool
Whether the client is registered as a guest account
isSyncing() bool
Whether the client is syncing
joinRoom(String roomIdOrAlias, VecStringBuilder serverNames) Future<Room>
attempt to join a room
latestNewsEntries(int count) Future<FfiListNewsEntry>
Get the latest News for the client
latestStories(int count) Future<FfiListStory>
Get the Stories for the client
locationDraft(String body, String source) MsgDraft
make draft to send location msg
loggedIn() bool
Whether the client is logged in
logout() Future<bool>
log out this client
myOpenTasks() Future<FfiListTask>
the Tasks lists of this Space
myPastEvents(int? secsFromNow) Future<FfiListCalendarEvent>
get only past events that I responded as rsvp
myUpcomingEvents(int? secsFromNow) Future<FfiListCalendarEvent>
get only upcoming events that I responded as rsvp
newLinkRefDetails(String title, String uri) RefDetails
create a link ref details
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
notificationSettings() Future<NotificationSettings>
allow to configure notification settings
pin(String pinId) Future<ActerPin>
Get a specific Pin for the client
pins() Future<FfiListActerPin>
Get the Pins for the client
pushers() Future<FfiListPusher>
list of pushers
requestVerification(String devId) Future<VerificationEvent>
Trigger verification of another device returns flow id of verification
restoreToken() Future<String>
Get the restore token for this session
room(String roomIdOrAlias) Future<Room>
Get the generic room that user belongs to
roomPreview(String roomIdOrAlias, VecStringBuilder serverNames) Future<RoomPreview>
Room preview
searchPublicRoom(String? searchTerm, String? server, String? roomFilter, String? since) Future<PublicSearchResult>
search the public directory for rooms
searchUsers(String searchTerm) Future<FfiListUserProfile>
search the user directory
sessionManager() SessionManager
Get session manager that returns all/verified/unverified/inactive session list
space(String roomIdOrAlias) Future<Space>
Get the space that user belongs to
spaces() Future<FfiListSpace>
The spaces the user is part of
spacesStream() Stream<SpaceDiff>
Fires whenever the space list changes (in order or number) fires immediately with the current state of spaces
startSync() SyncState
start the sync
subscribeEventTypeStream(String key) Stream<bool>
listen to updates to any event type
subscribeModelObjectsStream(String modelId, String sublist) Stream<bool>
listen to updates to objects of a model, e.g. rsvp or comments
subscribeModelParamStream(String key, String param) Stream<bool>
listen to updates to any room parameter
subscribeModelStream(String modelId) Stream<bool>
listen to updates to any model
subscribeMyOpenTasksStream() Stream<bool>
listen to updates of the my_open_tasks list
subscribeRoomParamStream(String key, String param) Stream<bool>
listen to updates to any room parameter
subscribeRoomSectionStream(String key, String section) Stream<bool>
listen to updates to a room section
subscribeRoomStream(String key) Stream<bool>
listen to updates to any room
subscribeSectionStream(String section) Stream<bool>
listen to updates to any section
subscribeToTypingEventStream(String roomId) Stream<TypingEvent>
Return the typing event receiver
suggestedUsers(String? roomName) Future<FfiListUserProfile>
the users out of room
superInvites() SuperInvites
super invites interface
taskList(String key, int? timeout) Future<TaskList>
Fetch the Tasklist or use its event_id to wait for it to come down the wire
taskLists() Future<FfiListTaskList>
the Tasks lists for the client
textHtmlDraft(String html, String plain) MsgDraft
make draft to send html marked up msg
textMarkdownDraft(String body) MsgDraft
make draft to send text markdown msg
textPlainDraft(String body) MsgDraft
make draft to send text plain msg
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
uploadMedia(String uri) Future<MxcUri>
upload file and return remote url
userId() UserId
The user_id of the client deprecated, please use account() instead.
verificationEventRx() Stream<VerificationEvent>
Get the verification event receiver
verifiedDevice(String devId) Future<bool>
Whether the user already verified the device
videoDraft(String source, String mimetype) MsgDraft
make draft to send video msg
waitForCalendarEvent(String key, int? timeout) Future<CalendarEvent>
Fetch the calendar event or use its event_id to wait for it to come down the wire
waitForComment(String key, int? timeout) Future<Comment>
Fetch the Comment or use its event_id to wait for it to come down the wire
waitForNews(String key, int? timeout) Future<NewsEntry>
Fetch the NewsEntry or use its event_id to wait for it to come down the wire
waitForPin(String key, int? timeout) Future<ActerPin>
Fetch the ActerPin or use its event_id to wait for it to come down the wire
waitForReaction(String key, int? timeout) Future<Reaction>
Fetch the reaction event or use its event_id to wait for it to come down the wire
waitForRoom(String key, int? timeout) Future<bool>
Find the room or wait until it becomes available
waitForRsvp(String key, int? timeout) Future<Rsvp>
Fetch the RSVP or use its event_id to wait for it to come down the wire
waitForStory(String key, int? timeout) Future<Story>
Fetch the Story or use its event_id to wait for it to come down the wire
waitForTask(String key, int? timeout) Future<Task>
Fetch the Task or use its event_id to wait for it to come down the wire


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.