Trait typewit::HasTypeWitness

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pub trait HasTypeWitness<W: TypeWitnessTypeArg<Arg = Self>> {
    const WITNESS: W;
Expand description

Gets a type witness for Self.

A type witness is an enum whose variants only have TypeEq fields. Each variant requires the enum’s type parameter to be a specific type.

This trait is a helper to write W: MakeTypeWitness<Arg = T> with the T and W type parameters flipped, most useful in supertrait bounds.

This trait can’t be implemented outside of typewit.


This example shows how one can make a const fn that converts both &str and &[u8] to &str

(this example requires Rust 1.64.0)

use typewit::{HasTypeWitness, TypeWitnessTypeArg, MakeTypeWitness, TypeEq};
fn main() {
    assert_eq!(str_try_from("hello"), Ok("hello"));
    assert_eq!(str_try_from(&[b'w', b'o', b'r', b'l', b'd']), Ok("world"));
    assert_eq!(str_try_from(b"foo bar" as &[_]), Ok("foo bar"));
pub const fn str_try_from<'a, T, const L: usize>(
    input: T
) -> Result<&'a str, std::str::Utf8Error>
    T: StrTryFrom<'a, L>
    // `T::WITNESS` expands to 
    // `<T as HasTypeWitness<StrTryFromWitness<'a, L, T>>::WITNESS`
    match T::WITNESS {
        StrTryFromWitness::Str(te) => {
            // `te` (a `TypeEq<T, &'a str>`) allows coercing between `T` and `&'a str`.
            let string: &str = te.to_right(input);
        StrTryFromWitness::Bytes(te) => {
            let bytes: &[u8] = te.to_right(input);
        StrTryFromWitness::Array(te) => {
            let slice: &[u8] = te.to_right(input);
// trait alias pattern
pub trait StrTryFrom<'a, const L: usize>: 
    Copy + HasTypeWitness<StrTryFromWitness<'a, L, Self>> 
impl<'a, T, const L: usize> StrTryFrom<'a, L> for T
    T: Copy + HasTypeWitness<StrTryFromWitness<'a, L, T>>
// This macro declares a type witness enum
typewit::simple_type_witness! {
    // Declares `enum StrTryFromWitness<'a, const L: usize, __Wit>` 
    // (the `__Wit` type parameter is implicitly added after all generics)
    // `#[non_exhausitve]` allows adding more supported types.
    pub enum StrTryFromWitness<'a, const L: usize> {
        // This variant requires `__Wit == &'a str`
        // The `<'a, 0>` here changes this macro from generating
        // `impl<'a, const L: usize> MakeTypeWitness for StrTryFromWitness<'a, L, &'a [u8]>`
        // to 
        // `impl<'a> MakeTypeWitness for StrTryFromWitness<'a, 0, &'a [u8]>`
        // which allows the compiler to infer generic arguments when
        // using the latter `MakeTypeWitness` impl`
        Str<'a, 0> = &'a str,
        // This variant requires `__Wit == &'a [u8]`
        Bytes<'a, 0> = &'a [u8],
        // This variant requires `__Wit == &'a [u8; L]`
        Array = &'a [u8; L],

Required Associated Constants§


const WITNESS: W

A constant of the type witness

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.



impl<T, W> HasTypeWitness<W> for T
where T: ?Sized, W: MakeTypeWitness<Arg = T>,


const WITNESS: W = W::MAKE