Nightly builds

We are providing demo builds (when changes have been merged) of the latest development version every day --- called 'nightlies', as they are build during the night.

New here or facing any problems?

Make sure to consult the user getting started guide first!

Nightly 2024-01-11

** Changes since nightly-latest **

Nightly 2024-01-09

** Changes since nightly-latest **

Nightly 2024-01-06

** Changes since nightly-latest **

  • screens without data to show now display helpful information .

  • [fix] Editing chat message with user mention doesn't expose HTML anymore

Nightly 2024-01-04

** Changes since nightly-latest **

Nightly 2023-12-30

** Changes since nightly-latest **

Nightly 2023-12-29

** Changes since nightly-latest **

Nightly 2023-12-27

** Changes since nightly-latest **

  • [Improvement] : Now have better control on chat media download. Chat media like images, videos, files etc will not download automatically. User can download media based on his/her choice.
  • [Enhancement] : User can see media size before downloading it.
  • [Enhancement] : File chat message have separate icon based on its type like pdf, doc, image, video, audio etc.
  • [New-feature] : Share file chat media

Nightly 2023-12-23

** Changes since nightly-latest **

Nightly 2023-12-22

** Changes since nightly-latest **

Nightly 2023-12-19

** Changes since nightly-latest **

  • [fix] : Add Update - iOS app gets broken after selecting update
  • [fix] : Pin overflow issue for smaller device size