Nightly builds

We are providing demo builds (when changes have been merged) of the latest development version every day --- called 'nightlies', as they are build during the night.

New here or facing any problems?

Make sure to consult the user getting started guide first!

Nightly 2023-09-11

  • You now have the ability to block users and content. You can report any content, or chat message and block individual users. From the settings screen you can manage, remove and add users to block.
  • Improvements in the Settings screen allow for a more intuitive and cleaner flow
  • Reworked the Sessions screen to give clearer instructions and explain what you see on it.

Nightly 2023-09-06

  • [fix] Some space members avatars failed to load due to internal wrong references. This has been fixed.

Nightly 2023-09-01

  • Implement emote event handling

  • Remove verification event handling from room module

  • Simplify the constructor of RoomEventItem and RoomMessage

  • Implement location event handling

  • The names of some events were changed via new matrix-sdk upgrade:

    • ->
    • ->
    • ->
    • ->
    • ->
    • ->
  • Implement editing of text message

  • Implement editing of image/audio/video/file message

  • Implement editing of location message

Nightly 2023-08-30

  • Ability to trigger a GDPR-compliant user deactivation from the user profile added

Nightly 2023-08-29

  • User can now edit pins

  • Pins can now contain both a URL and a description

  • Pins & Updates creation screens now show-case markdown-preview upon request

  • Space-selector has been cleaned up and unified across various creation screens

  • Routing for items within a space has been fixed: shows up as full screen item now.

  • Wide range Emoji support using Noto Emoji

  • Improved Emoji Picker Widget and Quick-Picker Items

  • Emoji reactions in chat can now be clicked to sent the same reaction

  • More positive start set of emoji in quick-picker

  • [fix] Emoji drawer now shows the correct users

  • [fix] Chat rooms are immediately loaded at startup

  • You can now configure which Apps/Features should be enabled per Space in the space settings. Further more you can also change the power level required to use any particular feature.