Nightly builds

We are providing demo builds (when changes have been merged) of the latest development version every day --- called 'nightlies', as they are build during the night.

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Make sure to consult the user getting started guide first!

Nightly 2023-10-04

  • [fix] Remove double naming on crud side sheets (Spaces, Events, Pins).

  • [fix] Text overflow fixes on pins card.

  • [fix] Text overflow fixes on event card.

  • [fix] Text overflow fixes on found spaces card when searched (Join space section).

  • [fix] Replace Redact term with more known wording .i.e. Delete/Remove.

  • Login/Registration UI and theme updates.

  • Fix: do not render space-chat under space but switch to chat-section

Nightly 2023-10-03

  • CRUD Sidesheets (Spaces, Pins, Events, Chat)
    • [fix] Sidesheets will now properly scroll on smaller screens, enabling to view submit buttons. The buttons will remain stick to bottom.
    • Sidesheet input validation fixes.

Nightly 2023-09-28

  • Updated look on room profile section. On desktop and larger screens, supports split view opening.

  • corrected acter background gradient pattern.

  • updated theme on component cards and overall system design to be intuitive.

  • fix for avatars not getting fallback properly.

  • fix overflow of content in pins, events and spaces cards.

  • You can now directly invite anyone in the invite screen all you need is type their full user-id

Nightly 2023-09-27

  • Fix: Parent space in Chat is shown.
  • Fix: Invite flow for chat reactivated
  • Fix: Joining related chats from a space
  • Fix: Setting the power level of members in a space
  • UX: Show content of Registration Token
  • Removed: Acter welcome screen when the user has no spaces
  • Fix: When redacting content, move back to the type index for that space

Nightly 2023-09-23

  • move spaces invite functionality to About section of overview as a button. The current limit of invitations is 100 people and button will not be visible exceeding that.

Nightly 2023-09-21

  • fix: chat input sends message as a part of reply even if its not meant to be reply (after closing reply UI). This is fixed now.

  • Dashboard/Overview:

    • Spaces listing is now prioritized to be shown on top.
    • Fewer joined spaces will now show 'create space' and 'join space' buttons below for easier accessibility. If more than 5 joined spaces, this'll be replaced with 'show all spaces' button.
    • Calendar widget is now removed and will be added when its properly functional.
    • Update theme of UI cards.
  • Pins:

    • Remove non functional button (pins filtering).
    • Update theme of section.
  • Calendar Events:

    • Calendar events can now be accessed from quick jump actions, showing all events, user is part of.
    • Update theme of section.
  • Some layout improvements in card component views.

Nightly 2023-09-18

  • [fix] chat input is linked with room now and will preserve.

Nightly 2023-09-17

  • Added support for redacting content (Pins, News Updates, Events) to allow users to clean up the Space

  • A massive refactoring of the entire Chat section of the app, brings a lot of improvements:

    • better performance of the chat section
    • cached latest message and latest-message oriented sorting
    • immediately access to the cached chat rooms list at startup
    • better managements of spaces and rooms, fewer UI refreshes