
Acter app is supported with flutter localizations and it is already setup and defined in pubspec.yaml.

Add new locale in the application

  1. Firstly go the l10.dart file and add the locale you want to support in the application.
class ApplicationLocalizations {
  static final supportedLocales = [const Locale('en'), const Locale('de')];
  1. Create an .arb extension file in l10 directory. Here you can add your locale strings with key-value pairs as in JSON format. For example
    "language": "English",
    "all": "all",
    "noMessages": "No Conversations yet",
    "loading": "loading",
  1. Save the file and rebuild the project. Verify that the localization file has been successfully generated in your project build files. The generated path from root directory is dart_tool/flutter_gen/app_localizations_en.dart, in case the locale is english.

Add new localized text in the application

  1. Navigate to app_en.arb file.
  2. Add a new key-value pair containing the string. For Example:
    "language": "English",
    "all": "all",
    "noMessages": "No Conversations yet",
    "loading": "loading",
    "news": "news"
  1. To support this text in deutsch. We also need to update app_de.arb.
    "language": "Deutsch",
    "all": "alle",
    "noMessages": "Noch keine Gespräche",
    "loading": "Wird geladen",
    "news": "Nachrichten",
  1. Save the file and rebuild the project. You can use your new localized string in your dart files.