1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95
/// Converts the casing style of a `&'static str` constant,
/// ignoring non-ascii unicode characters.
/// This nacro is equivalent to a function with this signature:
/// ```rust
/// const fn map_ascii_case(case: const_format::Case, input: &'static str) -> &'static str
/// # {""}
/// ```
/// The [`Case`](enum.Case.html) parameter determines the casing style of the returned string.
/// # Ascii
/// This only transforms ascii characters because broader unicode case conversion,
/// while possible, is much harder to implement purely with `const fn`s.
/// Non-ascii characters are treated as though they're alphabetic ascii characters.
/// # Ignored characters
/// These casing styles treat non-alphanumeric ascii characters as spaces,
/// removing them from the returned string:
/// - `Case::Pascal`
/// - `Case::Camel`
/// - `Case::Snake`
/// - `Case::UpperSnake`
/// - `Case::Kebab`
/// - `Case::UpperKebab`
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// use const_format::{Case, map_ascii_case};
/// {
/// const LOW: &str = map_ascii_case!(Case::Lower, "hello WORLD");
/// assert_eq!(LOW, "hello world");
/// }
/// {
/// const IN: &str = "hello WORLD каждому";
/// const OUT: &str = map_ascii_case!(Case::Upper, IN);
/// // non-ascii characters are ignored by map_ascii_case.
/// assert_eq!(OUT, "HELLO WORLD каждому");
/// }
/// const IN2: &str = "hello fooкаждому100Bar#qux";
/// {
/// const OUT: &str = map_ascii_case!(Case::Pascal, IN2);
/// assert_eq!(OUT, "HelloFooкаждому100BarQux");
/// }
/// {
/// const OUT: &str = map_ascii_case!(Case::Camel, IN2);
/// assert_eq!(OUT, "helloFooкаждому100BarQux");
/// }
/// {
/// const OUT: &str = map_ascii_case!(Case::Snake, IN2);
/// assert_eq!(OUT, "hello_fooкаждому_100_bar_qux");
/// }
/// {
/// const OUT: &str = map_ascii_case!(Case::UpperSnake, IN2);
/// assert_eq!(OUT, "HELLO_FOOкаждому_100_BAR_QUX");
/// }
/// {
/// const OUT: &str = map_ascii_case!(Case::Kebab, IN2);
/// assert_eq!(OUT, "hello-fooкаждому-100-bar-qux");
/// }
/// {
/// const OUT: &str = map_ascii_case!(Case::UpperKebab, IN2);
/// assert_eq!(OUT, "HELLO-FOOкаждому-100-BAR-QUX");
/// }
/// ```
macro_rules! map_ascii_case {
($case:expr, $str:expr) => {
$crate::__str_const! {{
const S_OSRCTFL4A: &$crate::pmr::str = $str;
const CASE_OSRCTFL4A: $crate::Case = $case;
const L: $crate::pmr::usize =
$crate::__ascii_case_conv::size_after_conversion(CASE_OSRCTFL4A, S_OSRCTFL4A);
const OB: &[$crate::pmr::u8; L] =
&$crate::__ascii_case_conv::convert_str::<L>(CASE_OSRCTFL4A, S_OSRCTFL4A);
const OS: &$crate::pmr::str = unsafe { $crate::__priv_transmute_bytes_to_str!(OB) };