use crate::{
format_str::FormatStr, formatting::FormattingFlags, parse_utils::StrRawness,
parse_utils::TokenStream2Ext, shared_arg_parsing::ExprArg, spanned::Spans,
use proc_macro2::{Ident, Span, TokenStream as TokenStream2};
use quote::{quote_spanned, TokenStreamExt};
mod parsing;
struct UncheckedFormatArgs {
literal: FormatStr,
args: Vec<UncheckedFormatArg>,
struct UncheckedFormatArg {
pub(crate) spans: Spans,
pub(crate) ident: Option<Ident>,
// The identifier for the Formatter passed to format the argument.
// If this is Some, then `expr` is expanded directly,
pub(crate) fmt_ident: Option<Ident>,
/// Using a TokenStream2 because it is validated to be a valid expression in
/// the macro_rules! macros that call these proc macros.
pub(crate) expr: TokenStream2,
pub(crate) struct FormatArgs {
pub(crate) condition: Option<ExprArg>,
pub(crate) local_variables: Vec<LocalVariable>,
pub(crate) expanded_into: Vec<ExpandInto>,
pub(crate) struct FormatIfArgs {
pub(crate) inner: FormatArgs,
/// The arguments of `writec`
pub(crate) struct WriteArgs {
pub(crate) writer_expr: TokenStream2,
pub(crate) writer_span: Span,
pub(crate) format_args: FormatArgs,
pub(crate) enum ExpandInto {
Str(String, StrRawness),
pub(crate) struct ExpandFormatted {
pub(crate) format: FormattingFlags,
pub(crate) local_variable: Ident,
pub(crate) struct ExpandWithFormatter {
pub(crate) format: FormattingFlags,
pub(crate) fmt_ident: Ident,
pub(crate) expr: TokenStream2,
pub(crate) struct LocalVariable {
// The local variable that the macro will output for this argument,
// so that it is not evaluated multiple times when it's used multiple times
// in the format string.
pub(crate) ident: Ident,
/// Using a TokenStream2 because it is validated to be a valid expression in
/// the macro_rules! macros that call these proc macros.
pub(crate) expr: TokenStream2,
pub(crate) enum FormatArg {
WithFormatter {
// The identifier for the Formatter passed to format the argument.
// If this is Some, then `expr` is expanded directly,
fmt_ident: Ident,
/// Using a TokenStream2 because it is validated to be a valid expression in
/// the macro_rules! macros that call these proc macros.
expr: TokenStream2,
impl ExpandInto {
pub(crate) fn fmt_call(&self, formatter: &Ident) -> TokenStream2 {
match self {
ExpandInto::Str(str, rawness) => {
let str_tokens = rawness.tokenize_sub(str);
quote_spanned!(rawness.span()=> #formatter.write_str(#str_tokens) )
ExpandInto::Formatted(fmted) => {
let flags = fmted.format;
let fmt_method = fmted.format.fmt_method_name();
let local_variable = &fmted.local_variable;
let span = local_variable.span();
let mut tokens = quote::quote!(
tokens.append_all(quote::quote!( (&mut #formatter.make_formatter(#flags)) ));
ExpandInto::WithFormatter(ExpandWithFormatter {
}) => quote::quote!({
let #fmt_ident = &mut #formatter.make_formatter(#format);
__cf_osRcTFl4A::pmr::ToResult( #expr ).to_result()