use crate::{
panic_val::{IntVal, PanicVal, PanicVariant, StrFmt},
FmtArg, PanicFmt, StdWrapper,
macro_rules! primitive_static_panicfmt {
fn[$($impl:tt)*](&$self:ident: $ty:ty, $f:ident) {
) => {
impl<$($impl)*> crate::PanicFmt for $ty {
type This = Self;
type Kind = crate::fmt::IsStdType;
const PV_COUNT: usize = 1;
impl<$($impl)*> crate::StdWrapper<&$ty> {
#[doc = concat!(
"Converts this `", stringify!($ty), "` to a single-element `PanicVal` array."
pub const fn to_panicvals($self, $f: crate::FmtArg) -> [PanicVal<'static>; 1] {
#[doc = concat!(
"Converts this `", stringify!($ty), "` to a `PanicVal`."
pub const fn to_panicval($self, $f: crate::FmtArg) -> PanicVal<'static> {
pub(crate) use primitive_static_panicfmt;
macro_rules! impl_panicfmt_panicval_array {
PV_COUNT = $pv_len:expr;
fn[$($impl:tt)*](&$self:ident: $ty:ty) -> $ret:ty {
) => (
impl<$($impl)*> PanicFmt for $ty {
type This = Self;
type Kind = crate::fmt::IsStdType;
const PV_COUNT: usize = $pv_len;
impl<'s, $($impl)*> StdWrapper<&'s $ty> {
pub const fn to_panicvals($self: Self, _: FmtArg) -> $ret {
macro_rules! impl_panicfmt_panicarg {
fn $panic_arg_ctor:ident[$($impl:tt)*](
) -> PanicVal<$pa_lt:lifetime>
impl PanicVal<'_> {
#[doc = concat!("Constructs a `PanicVal` from a `", stringify!($ty), "` .")]
pub const fn $panic_arg_ctor<$($impl)*>($this: $ty, $f: FmtArg) -> PanicVal<$pa_lt>
impl<$($impl)*> PanicFmt for $ty {
type This = Self;
type Kind = crate::fmt::IsStdType;
const PV_COUNT: usize = 1;
impl<'s, $($impl)*> StdWrapper<&'s $ty> {
#[doc = concat!(
"Formats this `", stringify!($ty),
"` into a single-`PanicVal` array",
pub const fn to_panicvals(self: Self, f: FmtArg) -> [PanicVal<$pa_lt>;1] {
[PanicVal::$panic_arg_ctor(*self.0, f)]
#[doc = concat!("Formats this `", stringify!($ty), "` into a `PanicVal`")]
pub const fn to_panicval(self: Self, f: FmtArg) -> PanicVal<$pa_lt> {
PanicVal::$panic_arg_ctor(*self.0, f)
macro_rules! impl_panicfmt_int {
($panic_arg_ctor:ident, $intarg_contructor:ident, $ty:ty) => {
impl PanicVal<'_> {
pub const fn $panic_arg_ctor(this: $ty, f: FmtArg) -> PanicVal<'static> {
const BITS: u8 = core::mem::size_of::<$ty>() as u8 * 8;
IntVal::$intarg_contructor(this as _, BITS, f)
primitive_static_panicfmt! {
fn[](&self: $ty, f) {
PanicVal::$panic_arg_ctor(*self.0, f)
impl_panicfmt_int! {from_u8, from_u128, u8}
impl_panicfmt_int! {from_u16, from_u128, u16}
impl_panicfmt_int! {from_u32, from_u128, u32}
impl_panicfmt_int! {from_u64, from_u128, u64}
impl_panicfmt_int! {from_u128, from_u128, u128}
impl_panicfmt_int! {from_usize, from_u128, usize}
impl_panicfmt_int! {from_i8, from_i128, i8}
impl_panicfmt_int! {from_i16, from_i128, i16}
impl_panicfmt_int! {from_i32, from_i128, i32}
impl_panicfmt_int! {from_i64, from_i128, i64}
impl_panicfmt_int! {from_i128, from_i128, i128}
impl_panicfmt_int! {from_isize, from_i128, isize}
impl_panicfmt_panicarg! {
fn from_bool[](this: bool, _f) -> PanicVal<'static> {
PanicVal::write_str(if this { "true" } else { "false" })
impl<'a> PanicVal<'a> {
pub const fn from_str(this: &'a str, f: FmtArg) -> PanicVal<'a> {
PanicVal::__new(PanicVariant::Str(StrFmt::new(f), this))
impl PanicFmt for str {
type This = Self;
type Kind = crate::fmt::IsStdType;
const PV_COUNT: usize = 1;
impl<'a> StdWrapper<&'a str> {
pub const fn to_panicvals(self: Self, f: FmtArg) -> [PanicVal<'a>; 1] {
[PanicVal::from_str(self.0, f)]
pub const fn to_panicval(self: Self, f: FmtArg) -> PanicVal<'a> {
PanicVal::from_str(self.0, f)
impl_panicfmt_panicval_array! {
fn['a, const N: usize](&self: [PanicVal<'a>; N]) -> &'s [PanicVal<'a>; N] {
impl_panicfmt_panicval_array! {
PV_COUNT = usize::MAX;
fn['a](&self: [PanicVal<'a>]) -> &'s [PanicVal<'a>] {
impl<'a, 'b> StdWrapper<&'a &'b [PanicVal<'b>]> {
pub const fn deref_panic_vals(self) -> &'b [PanicVal<'b>] {
impl<'a, 'b, const N: usize> StdWrapper<&'a &'b [PanicVal<'b>; N]> {
pub const fn deref_panic_vals(self) -> &'b [PanicVal<'b>] {
impl<'b, const N: usize> StdWrapper<&'b [PanicVal<'b>; N]> {
pub const fn deref_panic_vals(self) -> &'b [PanicVal<'b>] {