use core::convert::TryInto;
use super::compare_bytes;
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
enum DocType {
/// Returns whether a buffer is Microsoft Word Document (DOC) data.
pub fn is_doc(buf: &[u8]) -> bool {
ole2(buf) == Some(DocType::DOC)
/// Returns whether a buffer is Microsoft Word Open XML Format Document (DOCX) data.
pub fn is_docx(buf: &[u8]) -> bool {
msooxml(buf) == Some(DocType::DOCX)
/// Returns whether a buffer is Microsoft Excel 97-2003 Worksheet (XLS) data.
pub fn is_xls(buf: &[u8]) -> bool {
ole2(buf) == Some(DocType::XLS)
/// Returns whether a buffer is Microsoft Excel Open XML Format Spreadsheet (XLSX) data.
pub fn is_xlsx(buf: &[u8]) -> bool {
msooxml(buf) == Some(DocType::XLSX)
/// Returns whether a buffer is Microsoft PowerPoint 97-2003 Presentation (PPT) data.
pub fn is_ppt(buf: &[u8]) -> bool {
ole2(buf) == Some(DocType::PPT)
/// Returns whether a buffer is Microsoft PowerPoint Open XML Presentation (PPTX) data.
pub fn is_pptx(buf: &[u8]) -> bool {
msooxml(buf) == Some(DocType::PPTX)
fn msooxml(buf: &[u8]) -> Option<DocType> {
let signature = [b'P', b'K', 0x03, 0x04];
// start by checking for ZIP local file header signature
if !compare_bytes(buf, &signature, 0) {
return None;
let v = check_msooml(buf, 0x1E);
if v.is_some() {
return v;
if !compare_bytes(buf, b"[Content_Types].xml", 0x1E)
&& !compare_bytes(buf, b"_rels/.rels", 0x1E)
&& !compare_bytes(buf, b"docProps", 0x1E)
return None;
// skip to the second local file header
// since some documents include a 520-byte extra field following the file
// header, we need to scan for the next header
let mut start_offset = match u32::from_le_bytes(buf[18..22].try_into().unwrap()).checked_add(49)
Some(int) => int as usize,
None => return None,
let idx = search(buf, start_offset, 6000)?;
// now skip to the *third* local file header; again, we need to scan due to a
// 520-byte extra field following the file header
start_offset += idx + 4 + 26;
let idx = search(buf, start_offset, 6000)?;
// and check the subdirectory name to determine which type of OOXML
// file we have. Correct the mimetype with the registered ones:
start_offset += idx + 4 + 26;
check_msooml(buf, start_offset)?;
// OpenOffice/Libreoffice orders ZIP entry differently, so check the 4th file
start_offset += 26;
let idx = search(buf, start_offset, 6000);
match idx {
Some(idx) => start_offset += idx + 4 + 26,
None => return Some(DocType::OOXML),
let typo = check_msooml(buf, start_offset);
if typo.is_some() {
return typo;
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
fn ole2(buf: &[u8]) -> Option<DocType> {
use std::io::Cursor;
if !compare_bytes(buf, &[0xD0, 0xCF, 0x11, 0xE0, 0xA1, 0xB1, 0x1A, 0xE1], 0) {
return None;
if let Ok(file) = cfb::CompoundFile::open(Cursor::new(buf)) {
return match file.root_entry().clsid().to_string().as_str() {
"00020810-0000-0000-c000-000000000046" | "00020820-0000-0000-c000-000000000046" => {
"00020906-0000-0000-c000-000000000046" => Some(DocType::DOC),
"64818d10-4f9b-11cf-86ea-00aa00b929e8" => Some(DocType::PPT),
_ => None,
#[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
fn ole2(buf: &[u8]) -> Option<DocType> {
if !compare_bytes(buf, &[0xD0, 0xCF, 0x11, 0xE0, 0xA1, 0xB1, 0x1A, 0xE1], 0) {
return None;
fn check_msooml(buf: &[u8], offset: usize) -> Option<DocType> {
if compare_bytes(buf, b"word/", offset) {
} else if compare_bytes(buf, b"ppt/", offset) {
} else if compare_bytes(buf, b"xl/", offset) {
} else {
fn search(buf: &[u8], start: usize, range: usize) -> Option<usize> {
let length = buf.len();
let mut end = start + range;
let signature: &[_] = &[b'P', b'K', 0x03, 0x04];
if end > length {
end = length;
if start >= end {
return None;
.position(|window| window == signature)