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//! Creates unique identifiers for macros using procedural macros and [UUID](
//! # Examples
//! ```
//! macro_rules! gen_fn {
//! ($a:ty, $b:ty) => {
//! gensym::gensym!{ _gen_fn!{ $a, $b } }
//! };
//! }
//! macro_rules! _gen_fn {
//! ($gensym:ident, $a:ty, $b:ty) => {
//! fn $gensym(a: $a, b: $b) {
//! unimplemented!()
//! }
//! };
//! }
//! mod test {
//! gen_fn!{ u64, u64 }
//! gen_fn!{ u64, u64 }
//! }
//! ```
extern crate proc_macro;
use proc_macro::TokenStream;
use proc_macro2::Span;
use syn::{parse_macro_input, parse_quote};
use uuid::Uuid;
pub fn gensym(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
//! Generate a unique identifier with a span of `Span::call_site` and
//! insert it as the first argument to a macro call followed by a comma.
let mcall = parse_macro_input!(input as syn::Macro);
alter_macro(mcall).unwrap_or_else(|e| syn::Error::to_compile_error(&e)),
fn alter_macro(mut mcall: syn::Macro) -> Result<proc_macro2::TokenStream, syn::Error> {
use quote::ToTokens;
let sym = syn::Ident::new(
&format!("__gensym_{}", Uuid::new_v4().simple()),
let mut inserted_gensym: proc_macro2::TokenStream = parse_quote!(#sym, );
mcall.tokens = inserted_gensym;